Presentations by OSG Staff

​​​​​​​​​​​​Staff from the Office of Surveyor-General (OSG) regularly speak at spatial industry professional development events, TLSAB candidate training workshops and deliver land survey lesson content for education institutions. Selected presentations delivered by OSG staff that serve as reference material for candidates for land surveyor registration and the practising profession are provided below.​

 Introduction to Tasmanian Property Boundary and Land Survey Records (PDF 10Mb)

​Content delivered to University of Tasmania Surveying Practice course

 Hierarchy of Evidence - Origin and Evolution (PDF 7Mb)​

Discussion of the guiding principle known as the 'hierarchy of evidence' applied by the Courts and Land Surveyors when deciding on the location of a property boundary that is subject to doubt. Highlights the importance of a suitable cadastral records search and includes examples of surveys to illustrate why the hierarchy was developed and how it is applied. Presented at an Institute of Surveyors Tasmania Workshop on 8 November 2024.

 Case Studies – Evidence sources for Cadastral Surveys (PDF 6Mb)​

Examples of evidence sources considered during investigations into boundary surveys by the OSG, presented at the Geospatial Council of Australia Tasmanian conference in September 2023

 Principles Underpinning Application of Apportionment in Boundary Re-establishment (PDF 501Kb)

Presentation on legal principles underpinning the mathematical apportionment of differences to title boundary dimensions during a survey of land delivered to a land surveyor professional development workshop in November 2022​

 National Competency Standard for Land Surveyors and Regulatory Compliance (PDF 3Mb)

Presentation describing the new National Competency Standard for Land surveying and its relevance to regulatory compliance delivered to a land surveyor professional development workshop in November 2022​

 OSG Audit and Investigation Program (PDF 1Mb)

Excerpts from presentation delivered at a land surveyors workshop in November 2021 covering the purpose of the OSG audit program and presenting feedback from it and the survey investigation program. Includes a discussion on colonial era audit and investigation initiatives and the learnings from them that inform decision making in boundary re-establishment ​surveys today

 Learnings from Tasmanian Colonial Cadastral Survey History (PDF 4Mb)

Excerpts from presentation given at the Surveying and Spatial Sciences Institute Tasmanian Conference in September 2019 outlining political, administrative and economic influences on the execution of surveys of land in colonial Tasmania and the lesson to apply to modern survey practice​

 OSG LTO Update Presentation (PDF 5Mb)​

Presentation given by staff from the OSG and LTO at the Cadastral Practice Issues Seminar in May 2019. Includes details from the OSG of new web pages on cadastral survey information, responsiblity of registered land surveyors for cadsatral searching and introduces the new Work In Progress (WIP) layer.  Update from the LTO concerns the purpose of plan examination and the implementation of a new requisiton policy in response to falling standards in information provided.


Office of the Surveyor General

134 Macquarie Street,
HOBART, TAS, 7000.