Registration of Tasmanian Surveyors

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Surveyors Act 2002​ provides for:

  • ​​​mandatory registration of surveyors intending to practise as land surveyors in Tasmania; and

  • voluntary registratio​n of surveyors practising other disciplines (such as engineering or hydrographic surveying) who have competency accreditation recognised by a relevant surveying institution as satisfying national competency standards.

Details of individual surveyors and their competency are published on the Register of Ta​smanian Surveyors. Only individuals with the Land competency, including those described as ADR-Land, are authorised to undertake surveys of property boundaries, confirm the physical location of property boundaries and / or decide whether improvements are within the boundaries of any property. 

ADR-Land ​indicates a surveyor in another Australian jurisdiciton who has​ Automatic Deemed Registration in the Land competency under the Automatic Mutual Recognition scheme.​

The titles registered land surveyor and / or land surveyor are reserved for use only by those with the Land competency.​

Role of S​​​urv​eyor-G​en​​​​​eral and​​ TLSAB

The Surveyor-General maintains the Register of Tasmanian Surveyors under ​Section (4)(a) of the Surveyors Act 2002 but is not responsible for determining the professional competence of persons wishing to be added to the register.

​A person applying for initial registration as a land surveyor in Tasmania must have the educational and practical training prescribed by the Surveyors Regulations 2014. The Tasmanian Land Surveyors Accreditation Board (TLSAB), a sub-committee of the Institute of Surveyors Tasmania, administers a process that enables applicants to establish their professional competency to practise as a registered land surveyor in Tasmania.  

The annual registration period runs from 1 January to 31 December and the full fee applies for part year registration applications. 

All applications for registration must be made to the Office of the Surveyor-General, using the forms available below for initial registration or through the LIST interface for renewal of registration. 

From 1 July 2024 until 1 July 2025, the fee for initial registration is $374.00.

If you are applyi​ng​​​ ​​for initi​​al r​​egistration

As a surveyor for the first time in Tasmania in 2025, you must complete OSG Form A and provide the evidence of your educational qualifications and training that are specified on the form, along with payment of $374.00 :

  OSG Form A   (260Kb)

​If you ar​​​​e alre​​​ad​y​​ registered and wish to renew

your registration, you must do so on-line through th​​e LIST interface, providing a summary declaration of survey-related activity and professional development for the preceding 12 months in accordance with the Professional Development Directions​ prior to completing the renewal of registration. The appropriate section of the re-registration product is made visible on the LIST interface for eligible surveyors on the first business day of December each year.  For re-registration applications received before 31 December 2024 the re-registration fee is $374, while the fee for late renewal applications received between 1 January 2025 and 31 March 2025 is $467.50

Failure to renew registration by 31 March 2025 will result in removal from the Register.​

Applications under mutual recognition legislation

If you are already a registered or licenced surveyor in another S​​tate or Territory of Australia or from New Zealand and you wish to apply for substantive registration under mutual recognition legislation you must complete OSG Form A and OSG Form C and provide the evidence and documentation outlined on the forms, along with the payment of $374.00 :

  OSG Form C   (129Kb)​​​

Automatic mutual recogn​ition scheme

An Australian scheme for A​​utomatic Mutual Recognition (AMR) was established by the Federal Government on 1 July 2021 and commenced in Tasmania on 22 December 2021, with New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, the Australian Capital Territory, Western Australia and the Northern Territory also now participating. 

The AMR scheme builds on existing mutual recognition arrangements and streamlines the process for registered individuals who w​​ish to temporarily work in another jurisdiction. Under AMR it is possible for a person to be automatically deemed registered in the second jurisdic​tion for undertaking activities that they are licensed or certified for in their home jurisdiction, provided certain pre-conditions are met.

Information and instructions on the pre-conditions applying to land surveyors from other participating jurisdictions wishing to practise as a registered land surveyor in Tasmania​ is available on on the NRE Tas website here.

AMR is not available​ to registered land surveyors from Queensland and New Zealand, who must use the mutual recognition process and apply for substantive registration.

General Information abo​ut AMR in Tasmania is available from the web site of the Tasmanian Department of Treasury and Finance and federally from the Department of Employment Relations​.


Office of the Surveyor General

134 Macquarie Street,
HOBART, TAS, 7000.