Electronic Conveyancing in Tasmania

​​​​From August 2024, electronic conveyancing is available in Tasmania.

Electronic conveyancing transactions are prepared and lodged through an Electronic Lodgment Network Operator (ELNO).

The Registry Instruments and other Documents are:

  • Mortgages

  • Discharges of Mortgage

  • Transfers (not including part tenancy transfers*) [from February 2025] - including 'Notice of Change to Ownership' information

  • Lodgment Instructions.

Further conveyancing transactions will be introduced in the future.

For more information visit the Introduction of Electronic Conveyancing webpage.

In order to lodge Registry Instruments and other Documents using electronic conveyancing, you will need to become a Subscriber to an Electronic Lodgment Network (ELN).

*Part tenancy transfers ​must be in paper form until further notice.

ELNOs opera​​​tin​​g an ELN in Tasmania​

PEXA (Property Exchange Australia) is an ELNO approved to operate in Tasmania. ​

​​Electronic Conveyancin​​g R​​ules and Requirements

The participation by Subscribers of an ELNO is regulated by the Tasmanian Participation Rules.

The Operation of the ELN by the ELNO is regulated by the Tasmanian Operating Requirements​​.

Other information

​This should be read in conjunction with any applicable communication from the State Revenue Office regarding electronic conveyancing.​ ​


Land Titles Office

Level 1, 134 Macquarie Street,
Hobart, TAS, 7000.