DATE: 5 September 2024
Electronic conveyancing (EC) is now available in Tasmania.
Currently, the only Registry Instruments and other Documents available through an Electronic Lodgment Network Operator (ELNO)* are:
- Mortgages;
- Discharges of Mortgage; and
- Lodgement Instructions.
Since the introduction of EC there is availability to complete the NMF either through an ELNO or through the existing Land Titles Office 'paper' system.
For electronic transactions being completed through an ELNO the NMF created in that ELNO's workspace is the only form to be used for lodgment and registration in Tasmania.
For paper transactions through the existing Land Titles Office paper system, the NMF located via TOLD (Tasmanian Online Land Dealings ( or via ARNECC [Home - National Land Registry Forms (] in accordance with the National Mortgage Form Design Specification is the only form to be used for lodgment and registration in Tasmania.
Notwithstanding the above, some other unapproved variations of the NMF have recently been lodged with the Land Titles Office for registration and these will be considered on a case-by-case basis and will be at risk of being refused for registration. However, no unapproved versions of the NMF will be accepted by the Land Titles Office after the 30th September 2024.
*The only licenced ELNO at present in Tasmania is PEXA.
Recorder of Titles