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SUBJECT: Review of the Land Titles Act 1980
Very few submissions have been received in response to the earlier Office Circulars 2/2003 dated 24 March 2003 and 4/2003 dated 29 September 2003 regarding the Review of the Land Titles Act 1980.
In light of the limited response, it would appear that the Act is working better than expected and whilst the review will go ahead, it need not be on the same scale as first anticipated.
I am happy to receive further submissions regarding problems with the Land Titles Act 1980 before finalising the scope of the review.
You can assist in this process by notifying this Office of any problems you may have encountered with the Act.
Please forward your submission to:
Contact: Senior Policy Analyst - Office of the Recorder of Titles
Submissions should be forwarded to Craig by 30 April 2008.
Recorder of Titles