DISTRIBUTION: GENERALSUBJECT: Land Titles Office statutory feesOn 1 July 2001 a 10 year exemption from the application of the
Fee Units Act 1997 to Land Titles Office statutory fees contained in the the
Land Titles Act 1980, the
Conveyancing and Law of Property Act 1884, the
Powers of Attorney Act 2000, the
Registration of Deeds Act 1935 and the
Strata Titles Act 1998 commenced.
The effect of the exemption was to freeze the fees. The exemption ends on 30 June 2011 with the
Fee Units Act 1997 applying to Land Titles Office statutory fees from 1 July 2011.
The value of a fee unit for 2011-12 is $1.40.
In accordance with the requirements of the
Fee Units Act 1997 the new fee values were gazetted on Wednesday 18 May 2011. The new fee values are contained in the table attached.
ALICE KAWARecorder of Titles Fees 2011-2012 (266 KB)