15 June 1999
Distribution: GeneralSubject: Office Internet SiteThe Office of the Recorder of Titles has established an Internet location within the Department of Primary Industries, Water and Environment's Internet site.
The site contains the latest and updated information on land titling including; office circulars, legislative developments, consolidated legislation and the Land Titles Office Practice Book is also being updated and will be posted as practice notes on the site.
Now that the office has an Internet site, the practice of distributing paper based circulars to subscribed users of the Department's LIST service will cease, as it will be no longer necessary.
For those clients who advise my office that they do not yet have an Internet connection, I am prepared to retain the present postal arrangements in the interim.
I invite you to visit the site on a regular basis and I also invite any suggestions regarding its content.
MICHAEL DIXONRecorder of Titles