SUBJECT: Review of the Land Titles Act 1980
The Office of the Recorder of Titles will be commencing a review of the
Land Titles Act 1980 this year. The first step in the process is identifying problems that have arisen regarding the practical application of the legislation.
You can assist in this process by notifying this Office of the problems you have encountered with the Act. It is intended that a comprehensive list is developed from the submissions received, and that this list form the basis of the review of the Act.
It is not anticipated that a Bill be drafted this year, rather that a thorough review of the legislation be undertaken prior to any amendments being proposed.
If you wish to participate in the process of identifying problems with the Act please forward your submission to:
Contact: Senior Policy Analyst - Office of the Recorder of Title
Craig.Pursell@dpipwe.tas.gov.auALICE KAWA
Recorder of Titles
24 March 2003