Strata Plan (Amendment-Development) Checklist


1. Which existing lots are being amended or developed?
2. Are any new lots being added?
  • Have the unit entitlements been adjusted?
  • Is this reflected in the documentation?
3. Is the common property being disturbed?
  • Is this reflected in the documentation?
4. Are all the interested persons party to the application?


5. Which sheets are being cancelled?
6. Which sheets are being altered?
7. Which sheets are being added?
8. What is the new total of all sheets?
9. Is the council certificate signed and dated?
10. Is the surveyors certificate for new buildings signed and dated?
11. Have all new strata sheets been prepared in accordance with the strata plan checklist?

Application dealing

12. Does the application to amend or develop clearly convey the approved intention?
13. Have the new strata plan sheets been drawn in accordance with the application to amend or develop?
14. Is the correct form being used? i.e. Application by Body Corporate to amend Strata Plan (ASC), or Application by Lot Owners to amend Strata Plan (ASO).
15. Has duty been assessed by the State Revenue Office?