Strata Living in Tasmania

A strata scheme is a particular type of development that divides a parcel of land into 'lots' and 'common property', and which specifies a system of management.

In a residential strata scheme, housing is grouped. For many people this provides a secure, community atmosphere. Combined with smaller areas, such as gardens to maintain, and the use of common facilities, strata living can be an attractive option for many people. The body corporate is the controlling body of a strata scheme, and is comprised of all of the owners of the lots in the scheme.

At times disagreements can occur between people living within a strata development. While most of these can be settled by simply talking about it, you can apply to the Recorder of Titles to help resolve the dispute.

This publication gives a general overview of the current strata laws in Tasmania. It covers the body corporate, common property, unit entitlements, insurance, and the dispute resolution process. The publication also contains a very useful chapter, "Answers to Some Commonly Asked Questions".

Download the Publication

  Strata Living in Tasmania   (3Mb)

Please also download this update (replacement for Question 13)
  Strata Living in Tasmania - Page 20 Insert   (194Kb)