Valuation Tendering System

The Valuation of Land Act 2001 provides that the Minister may appoint a tender selection committee to assess tenders for the provision of statutory valuations to the Valuer-General.

The Committee is to consist of
    • the Valuer-General
    • a person nominated by the Treasurer who has special knowledge of, and experience in the administration of the Land Tax Act 2000
    • a representative of the municipal council for which the revaluation is proposed
    • a representative of the Local Government Association of Tasmania
    • an independent appointee who is to be the chairperson of the Committee
The Committee will assess and make recommendations to the Minister whether to appoint a successful tenderer or that no tender be accepted. The Minister may direct the Valuer-General to arrange for the undertaking of valuation services on such reasonable terms and conditions as may be procured.

Requests for Tenders for the provision of statutory valuation services are advertised on the Department of Treasury and Finance website for Government Tenders.


Office of the Valuer-General