Guidelines and Processes

​​Tasmanian Place Naming Guidelines


The Tasmanian Place Naming Guidelines provide guidance for all naming authorities and the general public.​

 Tasmanian Place Naming Guidelines (PDF 799Kb)

These rules apply to all names proposed, including road and street names assigned by a responsible authority. While the duplication of place names is undesirable, it may at times be unavoidable, particularly if names have had long-standing public use and acceptance. 

​Assignment of official place names

Where no previous name exists, the Place Names Advisory Panel will give primary consideration to names that are:

  • in keeping with the character and tradition of the area

  • with historical or local significance

  • suggestive of any peculiarity of a topographical feature, or

  • a name of Aboriginal derivation that has an appropriate meaning.

The Aboriginal-and-Dual-Naming-Policy (PDF 483Kb)​ provides further information about the naming of areas that have significance to Tasmania's history.

The attached document provides a summary for Councils of the changes that have occurred with the introduction of the Place Names Act 2020.

  What the Place Names Act 2020 means for Council   (191Kb)​

Road and Street names

  • The assignment of a name to a road or street is the responsibility of the responsible authority.

  • The proposed names must adhere to the Tasmanian Place Naming Guidelines.

  • There is no public appeal mechanism for decisions regarding the assignment of road or street names unless referred to the Panel.

  • The relevant authority must advise the Registrar of Place Names of road and street name proposals through Placenames Tasmania.

  • The preference is that proposals include reference to the council decision (e.g. a copy of the relevant meeting minutes) and that each proposal is accompanied by a diagram, plan or clear description of the spatial extent of the named feature.

  • Once a proposal is accepted into the Register it is approved.

 All other place names (not including statutory exceptions*)

  • ​A naming proposal may be submitted by a relevant authority or by a member of the general public with the written support of the relevant authorities. This should include advice of support for the proposal by the community and/or affected landowners, the history or background for selection of the proposed name, and clearly defined extents for the place or feature to be named.

  • Proposals may be submitted through Placenames Tasmania​ or via email to the Registrar of Place Names at

  • A proposal is received and processed by the Registrar of Place Names​ and advertised through Placenames Tasmania for a period of not less than 30 days. Submissions for or against the proposal are able to be made during this period through Placenames Tasmania.

  • On conclusion of the advertising period, a proposal is presented to the Place Names Advisory Panel for determination, including any submissions made during the advertising process.

  • The Panel will provide a recommendation​ to the Minister with respect to the proposal.

  • The Minister may confirm the Panel recommendation or request that the Panel make a new recommendation.

  • Once a confirmed proposal is entered into Placenames Tasmania it is approved.

 * Statutory exceptions refer to legislation other than the Place Names Act 2020 that provides for the assignment of names in particular instances. For example, official names can be assigned to Reserves proclaimed under the Nature Conservation Act 2002.


Registrar of Place Names

GPO Box 44,
HOBART, TAS, 7000.