Place Names Advisory Panel

​​​​The Place Names Act 2020 provides for a Place Names Advisory Panel to be established to assess Tasmanian place naming proposals. 

The Advisory Panel replaced the Nomenclature Board when the Place Names Act 2020 came into effect on 1 July 2020. 

Under this Act the Minister for Parks and Environment is responsible for assigning a name to a place, other than a road or street, upon advice and recommendation from the Place Names Advisory Panel.

The Panel is to represent those bodies having an interest in the naming of places. If the organisations listed below cease to exist, the intention is that the Minister may appoint a representative from a similar body which substantially represents those same interests.

Under the Act, the Place Names Advisory Panel comprises of:

  • ​The Surveyor-General as permanent Chairperson of the Panel; and

  • A state service employee with the primary responsibility for the State's spatial data and mapping as a permanent member; and

  • One person nominated by the Parks and Wildlife Service Tasmania; and

  • One person nominated by the Local Government Association of Tasmania; and

  • One person having knowledge and experience in outdoor recreation; and

  • Up to two other persons having knowledge and experience in heritage or historical matters; and/or orthography and/or linguistics.

The term for Ministerial appointments is for a period not exceeding three years and panel members may be reappointed if eligible. If the office of a member becomes vacant, the Minister may appoint a person to the vacant office for the remainder of that term​​



Registrar of Place Names

GPO Box 44,
HOBART, TAS, 7000.