About the Tasmanian Racing Integrity Commissioner


Middle-aged man in blue suit and blue tie face to camera in foreground with lush foliage, out of focus, in the background

Sean Carroll - Tasmania's inaugural Racing Integrity Commissioner

I am honoured to be Tasmania’s inaugural Tasmanian Racing Integrity Commissioner and to shape and deliver strengthened racing integrity and animal welfare when the Racing Regulation and Integrity Act 2024​ commences on 1 February 2025. 

The new legislation and reforms, which are some of the strongest in Australian Sport, are based on evidence and industry best practice. They provide a solid platform from which my office can build the confidence of participants and the community in the Tasmanian Racing Industry and to support the long-term prosperity of this industry for the people of Tasmania.   

I am committed to a strong participant focus and making myself, and the office available to all racing participants and to the community.  I look forward to meeting and listening to your experiences.  Your feedback and input will provide the basis of the direction and priorities of my office.

Integrity will be the bedrock on which the Tasmanian Racing Industry will grow, and I look forward to making a positive contribution to the industry and the Tasmanian community. 

sean carroll's signatureSean Carroll


In July 2021, the Tasmanian Government recommended a review of the Racing Regulation Act 2004 and subsequently appointed independent racing expert, Mr. Dale Monteith, to undertake the review. 

Following extensive review and consultation, Mr Monteith’s report “Review of the Racing Regulation Act 2004: Securing the Integrity of the Tasmanian Racing Industry” (“the Monteith Review”) was published in May 2022. The key recommendations included modernising the existing legislation and strengthening integrity in racing and animal welfare through the creation of an independent Tasmanian Racing Integrity Commissioner. 

In November 2022, the Tasmanian Government published its response to the Monteith Review, with support for all of the Monteith Review recommendations and a commitment to delivering a new model for racing integrity and animal welfare. 

To implement the recommendations and reforms, the Tasmanian Government developed new legislation and consulted widely on the proposed new integrity model. 

In October 2024, the Tasmanian Government enacted the Racing Regulation and Integrity Act 2024 which commenced on 1 February 2025. 

Mr Sean Carroll was announced as the Tasmanian Racing Integrity Commissioner on 20 November 2024 and commenced in the position on Monday 16 December.


The Commissioner oversees integrity and animal welfare for the Tasmanian racing industry across all three codes as well as the operations of Tasracing. 

The Commissioner's oversight, functions and powers were activated with the commencement of the Racing Regulation and Integrity Act 2024​  (the Act) on 1 February 2025.


The Commissioner's functions are set out in Division 2 (section 9) of the Act. These functions include:

  • making integrity and animal welfare Standards in racing and monitoring the regulation and administration of racing. 

  • gathering information, holding investigations, conducting inquiries, and issuing recommendations to participants in the racing industry to assure racing integrity and animal welfare systems and processes meet contemporary community expectations.

  • promoting compliance, and facilitating engagement and cooperation in relation to racing integrity and animal welfare. 

  • providing advice and an annual report to the Minister for Racing that will be tabled in Parliament. 


The Commissioner has the power to conduct own-motion investigations and inquiries, including into integrity, animal welfare, and systemic issues in racing.

The Commissioner has comprehensive powers to acquire information to assist with the conduct of ​investigations and inquiries. The Commissioner may also choose to disclose that information or refer matters for investigation to the Commissioner of Police, the Director of Public Prosecutions, and other appropriate authorities.​



Tasmanian Racing Integrity Commissioner

134 Macquarie Street,
Hobart, TAS, 7000.