Make a Report, Complaint or an Enquiry


​You can provide information about an integrity-related matter involving the Tasmanian racing industry by making a report to the Racing Integrity Hotline.​

The Racing Integrity Hotline is an independent, confidential and impartial disclosure management service which allows individuals to report corrupt or improper conduct anonymously without the fear of reprisal.​

The Racing Integrity Hotline is attended by a team of independent investigators who receive information provided by the members of the public and the racing industry in the strictest of confidence.

​​You can make a report to the Racing Integrity Hotline using the online reporting form, or by phone, email, or post.

​Phone: 1800 296 ​967 (Australia only)
Hotline interviewers are available from 8 am to 8 pm Monday to Friday.

Email: ​ (please include 'TASRIC' in the email subject line)

​Post to: Tasmanian Racing Integrity Commissioner 
GPO Box 44
Hobart  TAS 7001

(please mark as 'Confidential')

By providing information in this way, you acknowledge and agree that it may be referred or disclosed to third parties for use and disclosure in connection with the purposes of the Racing Regulation and Integrity Act 2024 and other legislation. Third parties may include law enforcement agencies, and other organisations authorised to collect or recieve information to whose functions and powers the information may be relevant.

Find out more about the complaints process​ and how you can expect your complaint to be handled.


Tasmanian Racing Integrity Commissioner

134 Macquarie Street,
Hobart, TAS, 7000.