| Feature id
| The unique identifying number allocated to the feature.
| Feature type
| The classification of the feature in terms of type. Most features are "bores", but there are small numbers of other types, such as "dug wells", "spear points", etc. |
| Locality Name | The name of the Locality in which the feature lies (recorded by Driller at time of construction). |
Easting, Northing | The X and Y co-ordinates of the feature. |
Datum | The co-ordinate system used (GDA94). |
Co-ordinate accuracy | The accuracy of the position of the feature, measured as "maximum error margin in metres". Generally, older features have larger error margins: for example, their positions may have been determined before GPS technology was in use. |
Construction | Date drilled | The date on which the feature was constructed. |
Drilling company | The name of the Drilling Company that performed the construction. |
Depth | The depth of the feature. Units are metres, measured from ground level. |
Hydrogeology | Initial Yield | The yield (i.e. flow rate) measured immediately after the feature was constructed. Units are Litres per second.
DTWS List | A short-hand summary of the complete sequence of Depth to Water Struck measurements made during construction of a bore. It consists of a series of items, separated by semicolons. Each item relates to one "layer" drilled through, giving depth from and depth to values (in metres), plus the cumulative inflow for the layer (in Litres per second). |
SWL List | A list of Standing Water Level measurements, made over the life of the feature. Individual values are separated by semicolons. All SWL values are in metres below ground level. |
Last SWL | The last Standing Water Level measurement made for the feature. |
Last SWL Date | The date on which the last Standing Water Level measurement was made. |
Total dissolved solids (TDS) | A measurement of the salinity of the groundwater, measured immediately after the feature was constructed. Units are milligrams per Litre. See table below for a general guideline for water use according to TDS levels. |
Final TDS | An averaged value of TDS, calculated using both laboratory-measured TDS and field measurements of Electrical Conductivity (EC), as available. Units are milligrams per Litre. |
Main aquifer geology | A geological classification of the main aquifer supplying water to the feature. |
Status | Last operating status | The last-recorded value for the "operating" status of the feature. This indicates whether the feature is operating, capped, abandoned, etc. |
Last operating status date | The date on which the Last Operating Status was recorded. |