Hydrogeological Aquifer Type Maps
Groundwater prospectivity maps, published by Mineral Resources Tasmania (MRT) in 2006, represent an initial summary of the available historical groundwater information (prospectivity, yield, and quality).
There are seven maps, at 1:250,000 scale, covering North-west, North-east, South-east and South-west Tasmania.
They form a basis for a more informed regional decision making process for future development and protection of Tasmania's natural resources (water resources management, sustainable agricultural development, urban development, forestry management, biodiversity, mining etc).
Versions of these maps, in PDF format, are available for download; please note the files are large and may take some time to download.
Simplified Hydrogeological Maps for Planning Purposes
There are 21 simplified Hydrogeological Maps for Planning Purposes, at 1:100,000 scale, covering Tasmania. They are complementary maps to the 1:250,000 Hydrogeological maps.
These maps are primarily aimed at staff in Local Government and in the Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania (in particular, planners and environmental officers). However, they also provide useful groundwater information to other members of the Tasmanian community (general public, water drillers, consultants, other State agencies etc.).
Hard copies of 1:250,000 and 1:100,000 hydrogeological and geological maps and digital data used for map production are available from
Mineral Resources Tasmania.
Prospectivity maps should be used in accordance with disclaimer information provided on the maps and map legends.
Map Layers in the Groundwater Information Access Portal
Groundwater Prospectivity Layer
A composite mosaic image made of the twenty one 1:100,000 hydrogeolocial maps is used for the groundwater prospectivity layer in the
Groundwater Information Access Portal.
The legend for this layer is available in the following PDF documents:
Prospectivity Maps Legend Introduction
Prospectivity Units Legend
Prospectivity Maps Symbology
Geological Map Layer
The geological map layer used in the portal is the 1:250,000 scale geological data that was used for production of the prospectivity map layer.
The legend for the geological map layer is available in the following PDF document:
Geological Map Layer Legend (881 KB)