Water Accountability Project

Water accountability is part of a broader suite of water management tools in Tasmania. Water accountability underpins effective management of water resources and is required at the system and individual level to provide credible information that allows for evidence-based decision-making to underpin the sustainable management of water resources.​​

NRE Tas commissioned an independent review of Tasmania’s Water Accountability Framework to support implementation of Tasmania’s Rural Water Use Strategy. The review found that the current framework has served Tasmania well but requires modernising to meet challenges from a changing climate, population growth, growing complexity in water management arrangements and more demands on our water resource.​

A risk-based approach to implementing the recommendations from the review will be adopted meaning different water accountability measures will be required in different catchments based on risk. Opportunities for engagement with water managers and water users will be a key focus during implementation. Implementation will be staged over a number of years to allow people to have a say and time to adapt.

 Tasmania Water Use Accountability Review Report, Aither 2023 (PDF 2Mb)

The Water Accountability Framework Review was funded by the Australian Government through the National Water Grid Authority, in partnership with the Tasmanian State Government.

​Project t​imeline

Mid 2023

Review of Tasmania's water accountability framework complete

Mid 2024

Review report and Government response released to the public​

​2024 - 2027

Implementation of recommendations with comprehensive consultation with stakeholders. This will be phased and risk-based, allowing water users and others to have a say and adapt to new requirements over time.

    1. New Catchment Risk Assessment Framework developed to inform risk-based water accountability measures

    2. Water accountability policy and regulatory settings updates

    3. Updating compliance & enforcement systems and data management and reporting systems


Commence roll-out of new water accountability measures​

RWUS Water Accountability Framework Review