Applying for a Water Licence/Allocation

​​​​​​​To determine if you need a Water Licence, please refer to the Waters Licences Do's and Dont's page.

If you require an allocation, then you will need to use a Water Consultant. The consultant will: 

  • prepare the Water Application Assessment Report 
  • notify you of what fees are required

The following list contains consultants who do water and dam applications:

  List of Dam Application and Water Development Consultants   (133Kb)

For stock and domestic allocations where your property does not have riparian rights (e.g. no direct access to a water course), then you will be able to apply for 3.65ML to be taken annually (subject to water reliability at the location). A Water Application Assessment Report​ is not required for a stock and domestic application. 

An application form for a water licence or allocation can be found on the Water Managem​ent Forms page.​  

Payment options​

Payment must be supplied with the completed form (and an other relevant forms) to ensure it is processed as soon as possible. 

There are a number of payment options available and these are listed below:

Service Tasmania (preferred option)

Payments can be made in person at any Service Tasmania outlet. Just ensure that a copy of the receipt of payment is attached with your signed application form. The form must be signed by both parties (those releasing water and those receiving water).


Cheques are to be mailed with the application form to the address listed below. 

Signed and completed applications can be emailed to or mailed to:

Department of Natural Resources & Environment Tasmania

Water Management and Assessment Branch

GPO Box 44

Hobart TAS 7001


Application process​

Once a completed application is received an acceptance letter will be sent to the applicant. Each application form will indicate what information is required to be included with the application.

The application is advertised with a 14 day period for representations (objections). The application, report and any representations received are assessed. NRE Tas will then judge the validity of any public objections submitted as part of the application process. Licences must not contravene any Water Management Plans or jeopardise any ecological or commercial values of the specific region of the application.

When approval for the water licence is given or refused, both the applicant and those making objections are advised. A further 14 days is allowed for successful applicants to request a review of licence conditions, or unsuccessful applicants and those with public objections to appeal the authorities decision to the Resource Management and Planning Appeals Tribunal (Appeals Tribunal).

Where a review of the licence decision or an appeal has been undertaken, the application will be subject to their outcome

Please note that when a water licence is issued, it becomes a property right and is not specifically attached to the land title but is the property of the landowner.


Water Management and Assessment Branch