Transferring Water Licences and Dam Permits

​​​​Transferring​ a water licence/allocation

A holder of a water licence may want to transfer the ownership of the licence or an allocation from the licence for a number of reasons:

  • ownership details have changed (e.g. individual to a partnership);
  • the property has been sold and the water licence is to be transferred to the new landowner. (Note: water licences are not automatically transferred with property);
  • the water licence is no longer required due to changed circumstances (e.g. changed land use, retired);
  • the licence needs to be transferred as part of an estate;
  • the allocation (or part of an allocation) may be beneficial to another landowner business and could be transferred on a permanent or temporary basis.

Division 3 Dam Permit Transfers

If a property has transferred ownership and the new owner intends to proceed with the proposed dam works for a Division 3 Dam Permit on that property, then the dam permit needs to be transferred to the new owner.

​To transfer a water allocation, licence or Division 3 Dam Works Permit, you need to complete an application form and lodge it with the Department along with the prescribed fee.

Application forms can be found on the Department's website: Water-Management-Forms or by contacting Water Management Staff on 1300 368 550 or ​email Water Enquiries.​

How to transfer

What form you need, depends on what you want to transfer. The options are;

To transfer either;

  • All of the water licence and ALL allocations OR
  • Transfer SOME of the allocations from your water licence OR
  • Transfer a licence or allocation for a short period of time

You will need;

  Approved form - application for transfer of water licence or water allocation   (885Kb)

Transfer of a Division 3 Dam Works Permit needs;

  Application to transfer a Division 3 dam works permit   (126Kb)

If the intended new owner does not hold a water licence, then they will need to complete and lodge a Customer Registration Information form and an Application for a New Water Licence 

  Approved form - application for a water licence or variation of a water licence   (670Kb)

If the new owner will be company then a Company Information and Application to Record a Nominated Natural Person form will be required. 

  Approved form - company information and application to record a nominated natural person   (655Kb)

Where all allocations have been transferred to another licence, often a blank licence will remain. This can be retained, but the annual fee will still be charged. If you do not wish to keep this water licence, then an Application to Surrender a Water Licence form will be required. 

  Approved form - application to surrender water licence   (193Kb)

​Before sending in your forms, check that you have;

  • Signed the form
  • Provided the correct fee (see forms for correct amounts and method of payment)
  • Ensured all contact details are correct and up to date
  • Provided any additional information that may be required (e.g. copy of Will & Probate, Written evidence of Financial Interest)

Further information and the required forms are available from the Department's website​ or further information may be obtained by contacting Water Management staff on 1300 368 550 or email

Frequently asked questions

What if there is a financial interest on my licence/allocations?

Where there is a mortgage or any other interest over the licence, the interest holder must provide consent or written evidence that the interest has been satisfied for the application to proceed. This additional information must be attached and submitted with the application.

What information do I need to provide to transfer a licence as part of an estate?

Where the transfer is due to the death of a licence holder and the executor of the estate is seeking to transfer the licence, the following documents must be attached and submitted with the application: a copy of the Death Certificate and Probate identifying the executor and acknowledging that they are authorised to act on behalf of the estate or a signed Statutory Declaration form identifying the executor of the estate.  

Can I transfer part of my allocation?

Yes. Just ensure the details (e.g. coordinates, water resource) of the allocation are entered in correctly as per listed on the water licence (e.g. water resource, surety). All of this information is on the licence or can be obtained from the Water Information System of Tasmania (WIST)​ website.

Can I transfer my allocation downstream​?

Yes. However please take into consideration that the water availability will need to be assessed at the new location and if availability is an issue, the application may be refused or specific access conditions may need to be applied. Also consider any transfer losses that may arise and any access rules (e.g. cease to take), that may impact on your ability to access the allocation.

Note: If you are moving water taken under a water licence that has been stored in a dam and then moved via a watercourse (e.g. river, channel etc.) to another location (can be either downstream or between two water resources), then a Watercourse Authority would be required. An Application for A Watercourse Authority form would need to be completed and submitted to the Department. A Watercourse Conveyance Agreement may be required if the water needs to move through existing dams downstream and will need agreements with the dam owners.​ For further Information on Watercourse Authorities, head to the Watercourse Authorities page.

  Approved form - application for a water course authority   (340Kb)

  Watercourse Conveyance Agreement   (87Kb)​​​​