Water restrictions on rivers and streams are implemented in accordance with a priority of rights under the Water Management Act 1999.
When there is insufficient water available to look after the rights of all users, restrictions are implemented by starting with the lowest priority user group.
Generally, the highest priority is given to:
stock and domestic use, followed by:
water for ecosystem protection
water licences converted from old registered rights
rights of special licences, and then
irrigation and other commercial users.
See Surety Levels for more information.
Irrigation Water Restriction Notices
Irrigation Water Restriction Notices are advertised on the Public Info area of Tasmania online: https://www.tas.gov.au/publicinfo/
Notices may also be served (personally or by post) on a person, prohibiting or restricting the taking of water from a water resource.
The Notice takes effect at a time that is specified in the notice and remains in force for such period not exceeding 12 months.
A person who contravenes a notice is guilty of an offence under the Water Management Act 1999. See the Water Regulations on the Tasmanian legislation website for penalties: www.legislation.tas.gov.au
Further Information
Phone 1300
368 550 - request to be put through to the Water Operations Branch.