Ansons River Catchment Water Management Plan

​​The Ansons River Catchment Water Management Plan was adopted on 17 April 2010 and took effect on 7 July 2010. 

The purpose of the Plan is to provide a framework for managing the water resources of the Ansons River Catchment in accordance with the objectives of the Water Management Act 1999.

Ansons River Catchment Water Management Plan (347 KB)

2024 Secretary's Review of the Plan

A review of this plan has been completed by the Secretary of NRE Tas. See report for details of findings and conclusions.

 Secretarys Water Management Planning Review Report (PDF 6Mb)


Reports prepared during the development of the Ansons River Catchment Water Management Plan are available via the STORS website and can be accessed below.

Catchment Hydrology and Ecology

 Ansons River Catchment Hydrology Report (PDF 165Kb)

 Assessment of Freshwater Ecosystem Values in Ansons River Catchment - Guidance for Water Management (PDF 294Kb)

Environmental Water Requirements

 Environmental Water Requirements for Ansons River (PDF 258Kb)


Water Management Planning

Lands Building,
HOBART, TAS, 7000.