Water Management Planning Process and Policy

​​​​​​​​When new water management plans are created, or existing plans updated, there are several important stages in the planning process.

These stages are a legal requirement under Part 4 of the Water Management Act 1999. ​

These stages ensure that the process to create or update Water Management Plans is: ​

  • Collaborative.
  • transparent.
  • Based on current science and evidence.

NRE Tasmania’s planning policy provides further information: 

 Guiding Principles for the development of statutory water management plans in Tasmania (PDF 1Mb)​

Wate​​r management planning stages​​

There are six water management planning stages:


Plan preparation:​​

NRE Tas publishes a Public Notice that the Secretary of the Department will prepared Draft Plan in consultation with key stakeholder representatives.​ 



In this stage NRE Tas:

  • Prepares background information about how well an existing Plan is working. 
  • Identifies key stakeholders who would like to be involved in a review. ​
  • Collects feedback on matters that the stakeholders want considered in a review. 


Preparing an updated Draft Water Management Plan:

This stage involves:

  • Targeted consultation with key stakeholders. 
  • Setting water management objectives with input from all key stakeholders and interest groups and considering management approaches to best achieve those objectives. 
  • Scientific assessments are prepared for detailed understanding of the water resource and its management in the Plan area. 
  • Consulting with Aboriginal people on water related Aboriginal values and aspirations for water management outcomes.​  


​Public consultation:

In this stage the draft Plan is finalised and advertised publicly for a minimum of 60 days. During the 60 days the public can make representations on the Plan. ​

The head (Secretary) of NRE Tas then prepares a public report responding to all representations received from the public. The report is then sent to the Tasmanian Planning Commission.


​Review by the Tasmanian Planning Commission (the Commission):

This stage starts when the Minister for Water directs the Commission to start their independent review. 

The Commission’s review may include a public hearing. 

When the review is complete, the Commission sends their report with recommendations to the Minister and publish their report on the Tasmanian Planning Commission website.


​Adoption of the Plan:

To adopt the amended plan the Minister reviews the: 

  • Draft Plan.
  • Representations.
  • Recommendations of NRE Tas and the commission.

The Minister then decides to adopt the draft Plan with or without amendments.​


Water Management Planning

Lands Building,
HOBART, TAS, 7000.