Water Quality Monitoring

​​​​Monitoring surface water quality is undertaken to enable us to better understand and protect the aquatic ecosystem. This can be done through measuring both the physicochemical and biological characteristics of our waterways. Monitoring water quality helps us to:Photograph of water sampling.
  • assess waterway condition (physico-chemical)
  • assess the health of instream aquatic biota (biologicals)
  • identify potential sources of pollution
  • protect public health
  • understand the relationship between water quality and land management practices
  • provide information for the development of Catchment Management Plans
  • provide information to assist NRM regional strategies
  • provide information for the development of policies.

Water Quality Monitoring in Tasmania

Water quality monitoring in Tasmania is supported by a variety of government (NRE Tas, Local Councils), community (Natural Resource Management Groups, Waterwatch) and private (eg Hydro Tasmania) organisations.

Water quality monitoring programs are implemented throughout the State by NRE Tas and other agencies. Their findings are important for providing recommendations for policy, planning and management. They include:

Drivers of Change Project

As part of the Department's Rural Water Use Strategy, water quality is being collected at 50 sites across Tasmania's developed catchments to help understand the drivers of changes in waterway health. Data collection is focused on understanding diffuse pollution, and compliments existing monitoring of waterway health indicators across the State. Samples are being collected monthly over two years and will be analysed for the following parameters:

  • Total and dissolved nutrients (Nitrogen and Phosphorus)
  • Bacterial water quality (E.coli)
  • Total suspended solids
  • P-chem parameters
    • Water temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, turbidity, and electrical conductivity

Baseline Water Quality Monitoring Program

Tasmania's Baseline Water Quality Monitoring Program (BWQMP) operated between 2004 - 20008 and provides baseline information for a number of catchments across Tasmania.

Information from the BWQMP was reported on an annual basis in NRE Tas Annual Waterways Report (2004 - 2008)

Data from the BWQMP is available through the Water Information Tasmania Web Portal.

State of River Reporting Program

Tasmania's State of River Reporting program, finished in 2003, provides reports for critical catchments across Tasmania. These reports aim to provide information on the quality, quantity and ecosystem health of Tasmanian waterways.

State of Rivers Projects also provide critical information for the development of water management and catchment plans. In particular these reports identify areas and actions which can be used to prioritise the on ground work of catchment management groups and aid in planning scheme developments. These reports also aim to provide basic water quality information against which the establishment of Water Quality Objectives in accordance with the State Water Quality Policy can be determined.

Electronic copies of State of Rivers Reports are available for the Ringarooma, Great Forester, Brid, Pipers, Mersey, South Esk, North Esk, Duck, Montagu, Inglis, Flowerdale, Jordan, Coal, Huon and Little Swanport River Catchments.

Further Information

Water Management Plans

State of the Enviro​nment Report 2009​

EPA Tasmania - Water