Masked Lapwing
Copyright: Hans and Annie Wapstra
Protection Status
Masked lapwings are protected under the
Nature Conservation Act 2002 and Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulations 2021. Any interference with the bird, nest or eggs is not permitted.
The masked lapwing, also commonly known simply as "plover" is a medium-sized conspicuous bird with loud, penetrating calls. It is a bold bird that swoops at intruders and its apt scientific name of miles comes from the Latin for soldier and refers to the spurs, which give an armed appearance.
The sexes are alike and there are no seasonal differences. Features that distinguish the masked lapwing from other plovers are its black crown and nape separated from the mantle by a white collar; white underparts; yellow bill; bright yellow wattle that reaches well behind the eye and hangs down beside the chin; and a long and sharp wing spur.
Masked lapwings are widespread throughout Australia, southern New Guinea, the Moluccas with a subspecies, novaehollandiae, in New Zealand. They occupy a wide variety of natural and modified habitats, usually near water. In urban areas they frequently occur on roadside verges, playing fields, parks airstrips, golf courses and almost anywhere there is some greenery and water. Adult birds remain in the general area from year to year and chicks rarely move more than 10 km from the nest site. In north-west Tasmania, a resident white bird was observed for many years in a paddock by a main highway. Any fluctuations in numbers are usually due to fluctuations in availability of wetlands.
Breeding occurs in late winter-to early spring. Birds pair for life and take up territories in May-July with successful breeding occupying 9-11 months. This period includes building the nest, incubation, brooding and caring for the young and defending the territory against intruders of own and other species.
In Tasmania, only 35% of nests are used in subsequent years. Between 3-4 eggs are laid at an interval of 24 hours, occasionally at least 48 hours for the last egg in a clutch. The incubation period is 28-30 days but addled eggs have been incubated for 55-62 days. Young leave the nest almost immediately after hatching, and some young leave before all eggs have hatched. They are guarded by both parents when small and the young may scatter over as much as 200 m if disturbed, with each adult guarding the chicks closet to it. The young follow parents but find their own food. Young usually fledge at 6-7 weeks but may vary from 5-8 weeks. Young are independent at about 8-10 months at an average of 40 weeks. Many families stay together after the young can fly. Birds can breed in their first year.
Copyright: Hans and Annie Wapstra
