Application for Scientific Permit – Available for Public Comment
Public comment on the following application for a Scientific Research (Fauna) Permit is open until 3rd October
Applicant: Zoos Victoria
Species: Pookila/New Holland Mouse (Pseudomys novaehollandiae) and resident small mammals
Location: Survey locations will be based on proximity to historical records and on-ground habitat assessments. Surveys may occur across:
Andersons Creek Regional Reserve
Bay of Fires Conservation Area
Boobyalla Conservation Area
Briggs Regional Reserve
Brougham Sugarloaf Conservation Area
Cameron Regional Reserve
Coles Bay Conservation Area
Dans Hill Conservation Area
Darling Range Conservation Area
Doctors Peak Regional Reserve
Foochow Conservation Area
Freycinet National Park
Howell Gorge State Reserve
Humbug Point Nature Recreation Reserve
Moulting Lagoon Game Reserve
Mount Careless Regional Reserve
Mount Pearson State Reserve
Mount Tanner Nature Recreation Area
Mount William National Park
Musselroe Bay Conservation Area
Narawntapu National Park
Peaked Hill Regional Reserve
Strzelecki National Park
Waterhouse Conservation Area
Wingaroo Nature Reserve
Title of research: Surveys for the Pookila (New Holland Mouse)
Aim of project: This project aims to identify remnant mainland Tasmanian Pookila populations and assess genetic health.
Justification: The Pookila has not been live-trapped on mainland Tasmania in 20 years. This project seeks to determine the species’ current distribution within the state, as part of a broader National project reassessing the species’ conservation status and trajectory. Identifying remnant populations will enable targeted conservation management, including determining whether there are potential requirements for genetic rescue among populations.
Maximum likely numbers of individuals involved: Camera traps will be set at approximately 100 sites, and left in place for at least 21 nights. If Pookilas are detected on camera, targeted Elliott live trapping may occur for up to 5 nights per location per year.
Activities undertaken and methods: Initial surveys will be conducted using camera traps to determine presence at sites. Where Pookila are detected on camera, targeted follow-up Elliott live trapping will be conducted to assess population health and collect genetic, scat and ectoparasite samples.
Fate of animals: All animals will be released at the point of capture.
Likely impact on species involved (including any by-catch): All Pookila and native small mammal by-catch will be released at the point of capture. Each trap is provisioned with ample bait and bedding to maximise comfort of animals.