All native species of reptile are protected by law in Tasmania.
The keeping of reptiles in captivity is not encouraged by the Department. All reptiles have evolved as part of an ecosystem and are vital to the overall health of the ecosystem. They are best left alone or observed in their natural habitat.
Collecting reptiles from the wild can lead to habitat destruction, stress to the animal, the mixing of otherwise genetically isolated populations and the spread of diseases. Larger individuals of some species are often extremely important in the local ecology and their removal can throw ecosystems out of balance.
There are, however, opportunities for amateur herpetologists to make important contributions to our knowledge of Tasmanian reptiles and amphibians. Observations made on captive animals may be applied to assist in the conservation of these species in the wild. If the
code of practice is adhered to, and reptile keepers accept their responsibilities toward their charges, there is no reason why herpetologists should not be able to pursue their interests for the benefit of herpetology in Tasmania.
It is a fairly straightforward process to obtain a herpetology permit to keep a number of Tasmanian reptiles and frogs in captivity. All permit holders must comply with the code of practice, which has been drawn up in consultation with amateur herpetological groups in Tasmania to encourage responsible keeping practices.
For further information about the laws in place regarding keeping reptiles in Tasmania and your responsibilities review the page, Herpetology in Tasmania.
Importing and Exporting Reptiles
Tasmania has a long standing policy not to allow the import or export of reptiles to and from the State except under permit for scientific research or for zoological display. The exporting of any Australian species of reptile is illegal under federal law.
The movement of wildlife outside of their natural habitat endangers vulnerable populations, spreads diseases, and can have catastrophic environmental consequences. For example, a fungal disease which has killed Tasmanian platypus has been linked to the importation of Green Tree Frogs to Tasmania. Some diseases have long incubation periods and an animal that appears healthy can be a potential time bomb amongst a collection or population of reptiles.
The illegal export or import of wildlife is a serious threat to many vulnerable or localised wildlife populations. Many animals die
en route and the market is usually for collectors who have more concern for their own prestige than for the welfare of the animal. If you know of any organisations or individuals involved in such activities in Australia, you can report this anonymously to NRE Tasmania on 0417661234 or
Border Watch.
Keeping Reptiles
Reptiles have requirements that are very different to those of other species that may be kept in captivity. Anyone wishing to keep reptiles should understand these requirements and carefully consider their ability to house and feed reptiles before doing so.
Housing requirements for reptiles vary between species, but all reptiles share some basic requirements. Reptile enclosures need to be kept clean and dry, so it is important to have a design that can be easily maintained. It is important that enclosures are secure not only to prevent the escape of the captive animals but to prevent pets and children from getting in. Security is extremely important with snakes. A secure, well ventilated, easily maintained enclosure is best.
It is important that reptiles have access to a warm area and a cool area that they can move between to be able to maintain their preferred body temperature. Be aware that a glass enclosure left in the sun will very rapidly heat up above the temperature of the rest of the room. Be careful when considering where to put such an enclosure. In the wild many species of Tasmanian reptile enter a torpor during the colder months, during which time any prolonged disturbance such as unnecessary handling can lead to sickness as the reptile burns up energy reserves. If reptiles get too cold, they are unable to digest food. It is best to keep Tasmanian species in conditions that allow them to shut down over winter. If you heat the same room that you keep your reptiles, their metabolism will speed up and they will require food.
Many reptile species are naturally timid and need to have access to hiding places to avoid becoming stressed. Some reptiles never adapt to captivity and will always seek to hide at the approach of a person. Shelter can be provided in the form of a hollow log or a small box with a narrow entrance (a hinged lid will allow access for cleaning etc).
Many species of reptile are fussy eaters, requiring live food such as insects or a varied diet. All captive reptiles should have access to clean water. Some reptiles will feed on smaller reptiles, and it is important to avoid putting very differently sized animals in the same enclosure. While most skinks can be trained to feed on fruit, baby food or dogfood, some individuals will only ever accept insects. It is important to vary the type of insect food presented. Ask yourself whether you have the commitment to care for these animals before you decide to keep any.
Health Issues
Many reptiles harbour parasites such as worms, nematodes, ticks and mites. Some diseases, such as salmonella can be passed on to people by handling reptiles and it is strongly recommended that anybody who handles reptiles washes and dries their hands thoroughly before eating. It is important to quarantine any new reptiles before introducing them to a collection.
Keeping Notes
There is a tremendous amount that we don't know about the behaviour and ecology of Australia's fauna. Anybody with good observation skills can make contributions to the body of knowledge on reptiles. Information on captive animals can sometimes be applied to the management of wild populations. It is a good idea to keep records of the following:
- Size of animal when it entered your care.
- Where the animal was acquired from.
- If the animal has been captive bred, where the parents came from.
- The sex of the animal (if known).
- Temperature gradients within the enclosure (a maximum/minimum thermometer can be used).
- Any unusual behaviour.