Report a Roadkill Sighting


Use our Tasmanian Roadkill Reporter app​ or the below form to report any roadkill wildlife that you see.​ Use the guide below to help you identify the species.​

  Roadkill Species Guide   (5Mb)

But remember:

  1. Safety first – never put yourself in danger
  2. Never handle Tasmanian devils

Questions marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

Your full name

Date of sighting (dd/mm/yyyy)
Select a date from the calendar.

Location (GPS or detailed description)

If you're unsure, the Guide at the top of this page may help you identify the species.

Any other relevant information

Only image(.jpg, .tiff, .png), plain text (.txt), Word (.doc or .docx), Excel (.xls or .xlsx), PDF or ZIP files are accepted.


Save the Tasmanian Devil Program

GPO Box 44,
Hobart, TAS, 7001.