Roadkill FAQs

​How can people help?​​

Take care while driving at night and slow down between dusk and dawn.

​Report sightings of road-killed Tasmanian wildlife on the new roadkill reporter app:

If you do not have access to a smartphone or tablet you can report roadkill observations via our online report form

​​Who can get involved?​

​Anyone who is using Tasmanian roads can help by reporting any Tasmanian Wildlife roadkill that they see.

​​What is the most important thing to remember?​

Safety first! Never put yourself or others in danger when collecting roadkill information. Never touch roadkill with bare hands.​

​​​What time of the day does most roadkill happen?​

​Most native Tasmanian animals, including Tasmanian devils, are nocturnal, so they are most likely to be hit on the roads between dusk and dawn.

​​​What mitigation strategies are being used?

Several mitigation strategies are currently used around Tasmania including signs, roadside vegetation slashing, light coloured bitumen, rumble strips and virtual fencing. Often a number of mitigation strategies will be used together but depending on a number of factors (type of roadside vegetation, volume of traffic, speed of traffic, camber/undulation/windiness of the road) different types of mitigation are more likely to be effective.


Save the Tasmanian Devil Program

GPO Box 44,
Hobart, TAS, 7001.