Publications and Other Resources

​​Game T​racks

Produced annually Game Tracks keeps landowners and hunters informed on issues relating to wildlife management and control, threatened species and land conservation of Tasmania. It also aims to promote ethical, responsible and humane hunting and harvesting practices that are consistent with State and Australian Government wildlife management and conservation programs.

 Game Tracks 2024 (PDF 9Mb)​

Previous versions of Game Tracks are available ​at Trove​. ​

Wallaby Hunting Stan​​​dard

An animal welfare standard for the hunting of wallabies in Tasmania:

 Wallaby Hunting Standard (PDF 354Kb)

Duck Hunting Code of​​ Practice

 Duck Hunting Code of Practice (PDF 75Kb)

Non-toxic Shot for Hu​​nting Wild Duck

 Non-toxic Shot for Hunting Wild Ducks (PDF 181Kb)

Contemporary Statement of Quality Deer Man​agement (QDM)​​ 2019

The government supports the approach of Quality Deer Management (QDM) for maintaining wild fallow deer as a world-class hunting resource in Tasmania, and committed to developing a contemporary statement of QDM:

 Contemporary Statement of Quality Deer Management (QDM) 2019 (PDF 77Kb)

Forms, Applications and Info​rmation Sheets​

Apply ​for a Hunting Licence

 Application for an Authority (PDF 99Kb)​

 Waterfowl Identification Test Application Form (PDF 573Kb)

* Applicants purchasing a wild duck hunting licence for the first time must produce their Waterfowl Identification Test Certificate. Applicants born in the year 1935 or prior to 1935 are exempt from this test.

Please note: Waterfowl Identification Test certificates issued in Queensland are not recognised in Tasmania. 


Game Services Tasmania

GPO Box 44,
HOBART, TAS, 7001.