​​​​​​​Public Land Ballot​​​ Rese​​rve Access Summar​​y

​​​​​Recreational hunting for fallow deer under this ballot system will be authorised during the game season in the following Public land and reserves:

Tooms Lak​​​​e​​ ​​Conservation Are​​​a

​This reserve can be accessed by entering from the Lake Leake Road onto McKays Road for approximately 25 km (see map). The main access point is west off McKays road.  Map was updated on 3 February 2020.

 Ballot Map - Tooms Lake Conservation Area (PDF 2Mb)

Buxton Ri​​v​​​e​​r Conse​rvation Area

This reserve can​​ be accessed by entering from the Lake Leake Road onto McKays Road for approximately 24 km (see map). The main access point is east off McKays road (see map).  Map was updated on 3 February 2020.

 Ballot Map - Buxton River Conservation Area (PDF 2Mb)

St Pauls ​​Regio​​nal R​eserve - closed due to no access

This reserve can be accessed by entering via the Valley Road from the Esk Main Road (2 km east of Fingal). There is no access to this reserve from the Royal George Road. (see map).  Map was updated on 3 February 2020.

 Ballot Map - St Pauls Regional Reserve (PDF 3Mb)​

Castle Ca​rey​​ Regi​onal Reserve

This reserve can be accessed by entering via the Esk Main Road onto either Stanhope Road or Leona Road from the township of Avoca (see map).  Map was updated on 3 February 2020.​

 Ballot Map - Castle Carey (PDF 2Mb)

​Top Marshes​​ C​​onser​​vation Area 

Access ​ap​proximately 3​ km in on the Monpeelyata Road off the Marlborough Highway (opposite Little Pine Lagoon)​​.

 Ballot Map - Top Marsh Conservation Area (PDF 323Kb)

​Great Western Tie​rs Conservation Area​​​

​Access to this reserve is via the Tunbridge Tier Road (app​roximately 17.5 km west from the Midlands Highway, Tunbridge) through a track known as Mountain Creek Road for approximately 9.1 km, turn right onto Bacala Road at the old saw mill mound (before the Mountain Creek bridge) for a further .9 km to the boom gate posts, recommended 4WD vehicles only. 

 Ballot Map - Great Western Tiers Conservation Area - Mountain Creek Hunting Map  (PDF 636Kb)

​Five Mile Pinnacle Conse​​rvation Area​ 

Access ​​via Barren Plains Road​ off the Highland Lakes Road (Tods Corner)​.

 Ballot Map - Five Mile Pinnacle Conservation Area (PDF 345Kb)

​Centra​l Plateau Conservation Area - Breton Rivulet & Mother L​​ords Plains

Breton Rivulet block (PWS) including Mother Lord Plains block (HT) - Consisting of the portion of Central Plateau Conservation Area land east of the Highland Lakes Road and Hydro Tasmania land. Main access to this reserve via the Poatina Road through Ci​der Park Track, recommended  4WD vehicles. Hunting only to the East of Highland Lakes Road (Pine Lake) and West of the Poatina Road.

 Ballot Map - Central Plateau Conservation Area - Breton Rivulet & Mother Lords Plains (PDF 449Kb)

​​Great Western Tiers C​​onservation Area - Parsons & Clerk Mountain

Parson and Clerk Mountain block (PWS) - Consisting of an isolated part of the Great Western Tiers Conservation Area around Parson and Clerk Mountain. Main access via the Gunns Marsh Road through the Tumbledown Creek * approximately 19 km to Little Lake acce​ss sign, recommended 4WD vehicles only.  

 Ballot Map - Greater Western Tiers Conservation Area - Parsons & Clerk Mountain (PDF 365Kb)

Great La​​k​e Conservation Area - Tumbledown Creek - Gunns Marsh

Land known as Tumbledown Creek* (PWS) including Gunns Marsh (HT) (excluding Gunns Lake and Little Lake) - Consisting of the portion of the Great Lake Conservation Area and Hydro Tasmania land east of the Poatina Road. Access from Poatina Road via the Gunns Marsh Road. Hunting only to the north west of the Gunns Marsh Road and transmission lines, recommended 4WD vehicles only.    

 Ballot Map - Great Lake Conservation Area - Tumbledown Creek - Gunns Marsh  (PDF 1Mb)

​Deer Ballot Lan​​d General location map ​​

 Central Highlands Deer Ballot Map (PDF 948Kb)

 Ballot Map - East Coast Reserves 2020 (PDF 2Mb)


Public Land Deer Hunting Ballot

Game Services Tasmania
GPO Box 44,
HOBART, TAS, 7001.