Safety and Biosecurity Information

​To assist in the protection of the high conservation value assets of each reserve, it is important to ensure that vehicles, camping gear and walking boots are appropriately cleaned prior to entering the reserves. This will help control the spread any invasive introduced diseases, pests and weeds such as Phytophthora (Phytophthora cinnamomi) a fungal plant dieback disease and Chytrid fungus (Chytridiomycosis) which is an infectious disease that affects amphibians.


Some of the reserves added to the 2020 deer ballot, such as the Castle Carey Regional Reserve, have been exposed to some previous mining practises (open tunnels and shafts) prior to becoming a reserve.  Abandoned mine infrastructure is a serious hazard to any outdoor recreational activity, please explore this reserve safely.  Read more about old mine workings.

Ab​​orig​​inal Heritage

These reserves allocated to the 2020 deer ballot have been recognised as possibly containing aboriginal relics. Any site that bears signs of any artefact, painting, carving, engravings, and arrangement of stones or midden material should not be removed or disturbed. Instead the Aboriginal Heritage Tasmania should be contacted on 1300 487 045.  Read more about the procedure for the management of unanticipated discoveries of Aboriginal relics in Tasmania.​