Hunters that want to purchase a Tasmanian wild duck hunting licence must first pass a Waterfowl Identification Test (WIT).
Tasmanian wild duck hunting licences will be available to purchase from Service Tasmania online from 1 February 2025, or in person from 3 February 2025.
PLEASE NOTE: The WIT is owned by the Victorian Game Management Authority (GMA) that is transitioning to an online WIT only - this new system is expected to go live in February 2025. Information relating to the new online system will be released prior to the system going live and this page will be updated - alternatively continue to monitor the GMA website.
Due to the transition, WIT are no longer performed in Tasmania and Service Tasmania no longer collect fees to sit a WIT.
How Can I Sit a WIT?
Hunters wanting to sit a WIT have two options:
Sit a WIT under the current Victorian system that requires completing the WIT in-person (in Victoria). For more information visit: Hunters should note that the test will be based on the game status of wild duck in Victoria (under Victorian legislation). Hunters should note there are differences in the duck species that can be legally harvested between Victoria and Tasmania. To pass the test, hunters must obtain a score of 85% or greater (i.e. 57 out of 66), and correctly identify all non-game species (as per Victorian legislation), or
Wait until the new online system has commenced (expected February 2025) where the test can be performed anywhere with an internet connection.
Pre-Test Study
Hunters wanting to sit the WIT are encouraged to study the Duck WISE (Waterfowl Identification, Safety and Effective and Efficient Hunting) video produced by the Victorian Game Management Authority. The video can be used to learn the key identification features of ducks (game and non-game) and common waterbird species.
Duck WISE video is produced by the Victorian Game Management Authority, Victoria.
For further enquiries regarding the WIT and the transition contact Game Services Tasmania 1300 292 292 or