Managing Wildlife Browsing and Grazing Losses

​​​​Damage by wildlife can result in significant costs to Tasmania's primary producers. The Department assists land managers to develop and implement effective integrated damage control strategies.

In this topic

  • Planning to Control Losses Caused by Wallabies and Possums
    Assistance is available to landowners to manage the damage and losses caused by wallabies and possums.
  • Wallaby Fencing
    ​Fencing is a cost effective method for controlling wallabies and pademelons entering a property, but should be undertaken in conjunction with other control methods such as shooting, trapping, and the judicious use of 1080 poison.
  • Shooting to Control Wallabies and Possums
    Effective shooting should be part of an integrated browsing management approach, which combined with fencing and other tools can provide great returns for your investment.
  • Trapping to Control Wallabies and Possums
    Trapping is only effective for brushtail possums and Tasmanian pademelons (rufous wallaby). It is not an effective tool for Bennett’s wallabies which are very trap shy.
  • Property-Based Wildlife Management Plans
    Property-specific documents outline how game species will be managed on properties.
  • Property Protection Permits
    ​​​The purpose of a Property Protection Permit is to prevent the destruction of, or injury to, any stock, crops and equipment or infrastructure used in the productions of crops and stock caused by wildlife. A combined five-year permit with no quota is issued for Bennett's and rufous wallaby and brushtail possum. Individual permits are issued for other species. A five-year permit with no quota is issued for antlerless fallow deer. This permit allows take from 15 March to 15 November, inclusive.
  • 1080 Poison
    Compound 1080 (sodium monofluoroacetate) is an odourless and tasteless white fluffy powder.


Game Services Tasmania

GPO Box 44,
Hobart, TAS, 7001.