Property Protection Permits

​​​​​​The purpose of a Property Protection Permit is to prevent the destruction of, or injury to, any stock, crops and equipment or infrastructure used in the production of crops and stock caused by wildlife.  An owner or manager is required to hold a Property Protection Permit to poison, trap and shoot wildlife causing such damage.  You can find further information on the protection status and management options for wildlife species commonly found on farms, in the document below.

  Protection status for Wildlife Species   (101Kb)

A combined five-year permit with no quota is issued for Bennetts and rufous wallaby and brushtail possum. Individual permits are issued for other species.

Please see Game Services Tasmania​​ website for further information. 

​​For more information about Fallow Deer take permits visit - Fallow Deer take permits.​​

​Applying for a Property Protec​​tion P​​er​​​mit

Property Protection Permits are issued by Game Services Tasmania​.

Applications can be submitted via post, email or in person.  Contact details can be found at the bottom of this page.

 Property Protection Permit Application (PDF 299Kb)​

When completing a Property Protection Permit application form the following details are required:
  • the full name and address (residential and postal) of the applicant;
  • the property name if applicable, the property size, and the property address;
  • notification of any relevant offences (wildlife or firearm related) resulting in a conviction within the last five years; and
  • background information - incl​uding the type of wildlife, the damage being caused, and any previous control measures.

Where a property is managed or leased the applicant must provide the owner details for verification purposes.

An application may take five to ten working days to be processed. An approved Property Protection Permit will then be posted or emailed to the applicant.  Permits with tags will be posted.

The table shows the maximum duration of the Property Protection Permits and take return requirements for common species.

Maximum d​uration of Permit Take Return Requirements​
Bennetts and rufous wallaby and​​ brushtail possum 
More information on the 5 year permit

5 years

28 days after expiry of permit 

Various bird species12 months

28 days after expiry of the permit

​​Fallow deer male (buck and immature male) *Property protec​tion permit all zones includes tags


28 days after expiry of the permit

​Fallow deer antlerless property protection permit zones 2 & 3

​5 years

​28 days after expiry of the permit

​​Fallow deer property protection permit zones 2 & 3
​5 years 

​28 days after expiry of the permit

​​​Fallow deer special purpose wildlife permit Zone 1

​12 months

​28 days after expiry of the permit

​​Fallow deer emergency property protection permit Zone 1

​4 weeks

​28 days after expiry of the permit​

Forester kangaroo 
*permit includes tags

28 days after expiry of the per​​​mit

Wombat12 months

28 days after expiry of the permit


All take return data information must be kept for a five year period.

Recording take​

Permit holders are required to maintain an annual record of the wildlife taken under the permit, including that of their agent and any zero take.

Reporting take returns

Take returns must be submitted to the Department within 28 days following the expiry of the permit. 

Further permits will not be issued to the owner or manager until the take details for any previous permits have been received.  Please note that a return must still be provided even if the take is zero or a renewal is not required. 

A copy of permits can be provided upon request where the original has been misplaced or lost to allow an owner or manager to submit their return information. 

Please note that permit returns assist in the management of wildlife and ensure that future permit requirements can be processed promptly. 

An owner or manager can update the information they provided when obtaining a permit by contacting the Wildlife Management Branch or Game Services Tasmania at any time during the permit period or via the permit return form.   

A property logbook can be provided on request to assist landholders to tally the take for various species. Please contact Game Services Tasmania for a logbook. 

Reissuing permits

To have a permit reissued, please complete the new application section on your expired permit before returning it to the Department.  

​Recording tag alloc​​ation

Property Protection Permits for fallow deer male (buck and immature male) and forester kangaroo are issued with tags allocated to the owner or manager, not the additional permit holders (hunters) operating under the permit.

It is recommended that the​ owner or manager keep a record of who they have allocated permit tags to and note the specific tag numbers. 

The legal obligations that govern Property Protection Permits can be found at Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulations 2021.​


Game Services Tasmania

GPO Box 44,
HOBART, TAS, 7001.