Trapping to Control Wallabies and Possums

Trapping is only effective for brushtail possums and Tasmanian pademelons (rufous wallaby). It is not an effective tool for Bennetts wallabies which can become very trap shy.

The effort and cost that goes into setting up and running a trapping program for wallabies and possums can seem high compared to shooting.

The Mersey box trap is suited to Rufous wallaby and brushtail possums

The Mersey box trap is suited to Rufous wallaby and Brushtail possums.

​Trapping can however be effective in many situations, for example:

  • where there are high populations of Tasmanian pademelons (rufous wallaby) or Brushtail possums that are either difficult to fence out or shoot and are causing unacceptable levels of browsing damage;

  • as a complement to shooting in areas where the terrain makes shooting very difficult, such as in marshy areas or near rivers and gullies;

  • where land managers do not have the time or equipment to manage an effective shooting program;

  • on smaller property land parcels where it is quick and easy to get around the traps on a regular basis;

  • where land managers are within 250 m of a neighbouring residential house preventing shooting as an option;

  • as a complement to shooting or fencing, trapping could be used during the summer months when long days and short nights make shooting a less vialbe option, and then shooting could be done in winter.​​


  Trapping - A Niche Manage​ment Tool for Tasmanian Pademelons (rufous wallaby) and Brushtail Possums   (392Kb)

  DPIPWE Code of Practice for the Capture and Destruction of Wallabies and Possums   (3Mb)

  Costing Control Options Worksheet - Trapping (34Kb)