Seal Management Framework

​​​​​​​​The Seal Management Framework 2018 describes the mechanisms, procedures, requirements and options for managing fur seal interactions with marine farming operations so as to minimise risks to farm workers and seal welfare.​

 Seal Management Framework 2018 (PDF 339Kb)

Th​e Framework was updated to: 

  • ​accommodate new and improved technologies

  • ​​clarify industry compliance and auditing requirements​

The new framework also recognises that the relocation of trapped fur seals from marine farming leases to other parts of  the State for seal interaction management purposes is not allowed. ​

The Department provides an oversight, permitting and audit role to ensure requirements for wildlife exclusion from fish containment pens are met and that seal management activities are conducted appropriately.

Direct seal management actions are undertaken by the marine farming industry, under permit, where appropriate. This facilitates effective and timely management of seal interaction issues by marine farm staff, while ensuring that management actions are undertaken in an agreed, appropriate and transparent manner

The Minimum Requirements 2018A is a supporting document to the Seal Management Framework 2018 and describes the minimum requirements (standards) regarding options available to the industry to manage and mitigate interactions between wildlife (principally seals and birds), aquaculture staff, infrastructure and stock. Industry compliance with the minimum requirements outlined for relevant wildlife exclusion is a prerequisite to access to further management options. 

 Seal Management Framework -Minimum Requirements (PDF 450Kb)


Wildlife Services

GPO Box 44,
HOBART, TAS, 7001.