Applying to Amend the List of Species that can be Imported into Tasmania

​​​​Under Tasmanian wildlife import arrangements individuals may apply to amend the list of species that can be imported into Tasmania under the Nature Conservation Act 2002

Applicants are required to submit a Species Profile which contains the minimum information that NRE Tas needs to assess the risk of importing the species into Tasmania. 

All mammals, birds and reptiles that are not included on the list of species that can be imported into Tasmania will not be permitted. 

Further detail is contained in the Policy on Importing (and Keeping) Vertebrate Wildlife in Tasmania and supporting documentation.

Important information for making an application is contained in the Policy on Importing (and Keeping) Vertebrate Wildlife in Tasmania

Applications require a completed application form

and include the following information:
  • Species profile (provided as a Microsoft Word 2010 document or earlier)

  • A clm film of the species distribution (developed from CLIMATC​H software)

  • A png file of the species distribution (developed from CLIMATCH software)

  • A png file of the CLIMATCH output showing climate match to Australia

​Applications that do not contain this required information will be refused.

Further information about preparing relevant documentation is contained in the Guidelines for Developing a Species Profile:

  Guidelines for Developing a Species Profile   (150Kb)​

An overview of the procedures to have the list of species that may be imported into Tasmania amended is outlined below. In brief, the process to amend the live import list is:

  • The applicant submits a completed Application Form and Species Profile to the Department.

  • The Department determines whether the application meets the required standard.

  • If the application meets the standard, the Department undertakes a risk assessment.

  • The Department publishes the risk assessment on its website, with comments to be provided within ten business days of the date of publication.

  • The Department collates public comments.

The Department makes a decision on whether to amend the list of species that can be imported into Tasmania and informs the applicant and other stakeholders of this decision; and if the import is refused, the applicant may request a review within 14 days of the decision from the Secretary of the Department. The Secretary will determine whether there are grounds for a review, and may also request a review.

  Flow chart of process for applications, assessments and decisions regarding wildlife imports   (248Kb)

It is recommended that applicants contact the Wildlife Management, NRE Tas in the first instance before developing the application. A Case Manager is available to work with applicants and assist with the approval process.

See also:

  Policy on Importing and Keeping Vertebrate Wildlife in Tasmania   (250Kb)

Species Risk Assessments


Wildlife Management - Exhibition

GPO Box 44,
Hobart, TAS, 7001.