Species Risk Assessments for Comment

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​As part of the process for assessing whether a species should be considered for import into Tasmania, the community is invited to comment on the information and assessment of the species. Under the Policy for Importing (and Keeping) Vertebrate Wildlife in Tasmania, species information and​ risk assessment is posted for a period of 10 business days on the NRE Tas​ website.

The Secretary will make the final decision and inform stakeholders of the decision after the comment period is closed.

​Species risk assessment for public comment​
​Closing date for comment
Green tree frog, Litoria caerulea
​17 October 2024

Your comments should be provided in ​writing, including your name and contact details, before close of business on the listed closing date. 

Please send your comments to: WildlifeExhibition@nre.tas.gov.au​

More information​​

Arran​gements for Importing Wildlife into Tasmania

Applying to Amend the List of Species that can be Imported into Tasmania

Species Risk Assessments

 Guidelines for Developing a Species Profile (PDF 150Kb)


Wildlife Management - Exhibition

GPO Box 44,
Hobart, TAS, 7001.