Crested Pigeon (Ocyphaps lophotes)

​Date Published: April 2011

Assessment Summary

The crested pigeon (Ocyphaps lophotes) occurs naturally across mainland Australia with the exception of the Top End, Cape York Peninsula and the extreme south-east and south-west. An introduced population of the crested pigeon is established on Kangaroo Island. The natural distribution of the crested pigeon includes areas similar in climate to Tasmania. Crested pigeons are very adaptable, and there is therefore potential for this species to establish in Tasmania. There is no record of the crested pigeon as an environmental or agricultural pest.

In Tasmania the crested pigeon is currently listed as a controlled animal under the Nature Conservation Act 2002. A permit is required to import the crested pigeon but it can be held without a permit to possess wildlife.

If the crested pigeon established in Tasmania it is likely to compete with the common bronzewing (Phaps chalcoptera) and the brush bronzewing (Phaps elegans) for food and other resources. The establishment of the crested pigeon in Tasmania also has the potential for an impact on agricultural industries as the species has attributes that make it capable of damaging various commodities such as cereal grains (including wheat, barley, and oats) and oilseeds (including canola and sunflower). However, there are no reports or other evidence that it has caused damage in any country or region therefore this risk assessment estimates that the potential consequences on agriculture is low.

Assessment Documentation

  Crested Pigeon (Ocyphaps lophotes)   (450Kb)