Policy on Importing (and Keeping) Vertebrate Wildlife in Tasmania

​​​​​Tasmania is an island state with a unique ecology. Maintaining our biosecurity integrity allows us to protect our natural environment while enabling people to import some non-endemic vertebrate species into the State.

The Policy on Importing (and Keeping) Vertebrate Wildlife in Tasmania has been developed by NRE Tas and sets out arrangements for importing and keeping vertebrate wildlife in Tasmania. It is underpinned by a suite of Principles which guide decisions on importing controlled animals and the conditions that may apply. The Policy has been developed in consultation with wildlife parks, zoos, clubs, organisations and individuals that are interested in importing and keeping vertebrate wildlife and has been approved by the Tasmanian Government's Regulation Reduction Coordinator. 

  Policy on Importing and Keeping Vertabrate Wildlife in Tasmania   (319Kb)​

​Importing wildlife can generate employment opportunities, support local businesses, and contribute to education, research and conservation. It is critical, however, that those wishing to import wildlife into Tasmania follow the Policy on Importing (and Keeping) Vertebrate Wildlife in Tasmania, and adhere to the legislative requirements for bringing wildlife into the State. Protecting Tasmania's biosecurity and the welfare of animals are the key objectives of the Policy, along with supporting individuals and businesses that wish to import wildlife.

While core elements of the current risk assessment model have been retained, the revised Policy introduces case management to assist industry and stakeholders, the consultation process has been refined, and an independent appeal process and timeframe has also been introduced.

The risk-based approach described in the Policy is consistent with the Tasmanian Biosecurity Strategy and methodologies used in other Australian jurisdictions. It ensures risks are identified, understood and managed, while recognising that zero-risk is not possible.

To ensure the animal sought for import can be brought into Tasmania, both Biosecurity Tasmania and the Wildlife Management Branch of NRE Tas​ must be contacted to determine the animal's import status and requirements under relevant legislation.​

Note: Conditions on the importation of animals under the Biosecurity Act 2019 ​and Biosecurity Regulations 2022 also apply.  For further information refer to the Tasmanian Animal Biosecurity Manual;

 Tasmanian Animal Biosecurity Manual_Ver 1.0_31 May 23 (PDF 1Mb)​


Wildlife Services

GPO Box 44,
HOBART, TAS, 7001.