Aerial Spraying Licences

​​Agricultural Aircraft Operator Licence​​​

If you operate an aerial spraying business that involves the application of agricultural chemicals, you must hold an Agricultural Aircraft Operator Licence. This is essentially a business licence.

 Application for Agricultural Aircraft Operator Licence (PDF 259Kb)

Fertilisers are not regarded as agricultural chemical products and therefore there is no need to hold a Licence for the aerial application of fertilisers.

To qualify for an Agricultural Aircraft Operator Licence, you must:

  • have an Aircraft Operators Certificate issued by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority

  • be Operation Spray Safe Accredited by the Aerial Agricultural Association of Australia

  • hold a policy or cover note of indeminity insurance for a minimum amount of $30,000 approved by the Secretary of the Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment

Agricultural aircraft operators do not need to hold a Commercial Operator Licence, as this licence only applies to ground-spraying activities.

Pilot Chemical Rating Licence​​

Any pilot who is employed by an agricultural aircraft operator must hold a Pilot (Chemical Rating) Licence. This includes the owner of the business if he or she pilots an aircraft in carrying out aerial spraying.

 Application for a Pilot (Chemical Rating) Licence (PDF 245Kb)

To qualify for a Pilot (Chemical Rating) Licence, you must:

  • hold a Commercial Pilots Licence

  • have an Agricultural Pilot Rating

  • hold an Aerial Agricultural Association of Australia Operation Spray Safe Certificate of Approval or an equivalent qualification recognised by the Registrar of Chemical Products

A licence may not be granted if an applicant has not supplied the required information, not paid the appropriate application fee, has been convicted of a crime or has committed an offence punishable by imprisonment.

A licence may be cancelled or suspended if the holder has:

  • not complied with any condition of the Licence,

  • been convicted of an offence against a relevant Act,

  • not paid fees by the due date, or

  • provided misleading information in applying for the licence.​


Licence Coordinator

Licence Coordinator
165 Westbury Road,,