Note: As this publication is large, it has been split into parts for easier downloading (see below.)
Native pastures underpin the long-term productivity, profitability and sustainability of grazing activities on many Tasmanian properties, particularly fine wool grazing properties. They are also a significant vegetation community for conserving native plants and animals, and maintaining stable and healthy soils.
This guide provides information about managing native pastures in Tasmania. It has been written with input and involvement from Tasmanian graziers. It also includes the findings of relevant scientific Tasmanian field experiments, studies and surveys.
This guide was written in response to concerns from land managers who wanted to learn more about best management practices for native pastures in Tasmania. However, there are no fixed recipes for managing native pastures. In fact, adopting different and diverse management practices is the most useful approach, particularly for conserving biodiversity.
The aim of this guide is to provide information that will help you manage native pastures. The emphasis is on the conservation and sustainable management of these semi-natural ecosystems in the context of a productive farm enterprise. Sheep grazing on native pastures can maintain and enhance biodiversity values. Therefore, good grazing management will provide benefits for you and the broader community.
The first two chapters provide background information on native pastures in Tasmania, and describe the attributes of the key plant species. The third chapter covers property planning, which forms the basis of all decision making. Management decisions concerning native pastures inevitably involve grazing management, which is covered in the fourth chapter.
A range of other issues associated with managing native pastures is addressed in subsequent chapters. These include using fertiliser, controlling weeds, using fire, maintaining conservation values, promoting tree and shrub regeneration, managing riparian and wetland areas, and managing native pastures during drought.
The guide concludes with information about monitoring native pastures, so you can assess the effect of your management practices on your pastures.
'Grazier viewpoints' and quotations from unnamed graziers have been included throughout the book to complement the main text. They highlight Tasmanian graziers' experiences of managing native pastures. The quotations have been taken from meetings and interviews. Quotations taken from published works have been cited.
Written by K. Mokany, D. Friend, J. Kirkpatrick and L. Gilfedder.
Published by the Tasmanian Institute of Agricultural Research,
School of Agricultural Science,
University of Tasmania
(Published in 2006)
ISBN/ISSN ISBN 10: 0 7246 6395 9
ISBN 13: 978 7246 6395 8
Copyright University of Tasmania
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