Objecting to a Statutory Valuation

​​​​​​​ If you have questions or concerns about your valuation you can either:

  • Submit a general enquiry to ​find out if you can lodge an objection
  • If you know that you meet the grounds for objection and are within the timeframe you can lodge an objection

​​You can also contact the Office of the Valuer General:

Phone:  03 6165 4444​

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Grounds for ​​Objection​​​​

The objection must meet certain criteria​, or requirements, known as the Grounds for Objection. Before making an objection please make sure it relates to one or more of the following​​:

That the:

a) land value, capital value or assessed annual value assigned to any land is too high or too low;

b) interests of the several persons having an interest in any land have not been correctly apportioned;

c) apportionment of any valuation is not correct;

d) lands which should be included in the one valuation have been valued separately;

e) lands which should be valued separately have been included in the one valuation;

f) person named in any Notice of Valuation is not an owner of the land to which the notice relates; and/or

g) area, dimensions or particulars of any land are not correctly described.

No other basis for an objection can be accepted, for example an owner of land cannot object about their land tax or local council rates. These are matters that should be discussed with the relevant authority.​​​

All queries that do not relate to the above may be made as a general enquiry on-line.

​​​​​​How to make an objection

An owner of land can object to a statutory valuation.

​​​The objection must be made within 60 days from receiving a Notice of Valuation.

The Owner's Guide explains the objection process:

 OVG - Owner guide: Objection to valuation  (2Mb)​​​ ​ ​

​If your Notice of Valuation is dated less than 60 days ago and it meets one or more of the above Grounds, an objection can be ma​de on-line:

If you would prefer to fill out a paper form please download the Objection to Valuation form:​

 Objection to Valuation Form (​86Kb)​


​The completed form can be returned to:​

​Email:  OVG​@nre.tas.gov.au​​​​

Office of the Valuer-General​ ​
GPO Box 44
Hobart Tas 7001​

Depending on the levels of values involved, an objection may be determined in:

  • the Land Valuation Court, or 
  • the Supreme Court ​

The objection process is set out in the Valuation of Land Act 2001.

​​​​​It can take up to six months to finalise objections, depending on:

  • ​the complexity of the issues
  • the number of objections being dealt with at the time​​​


OVG Enquiries