Seasonal Biosecurity Compliance Report

​​​Our Seasonal Compliance Reports are a summary of the compliance actions undertaken by Biosecurity Tasmania. Our most recent biosecurity compliance statistics are now publicly available.

Compliance Activities

​​The following compliance activities are reported:

  • ​Biosecurity Detection Notices (BDN)
    A BDN is a notice of seizure issued at the Tasmanian border (i.e. airports, ports, mail centres) in the event of a detection of biosecurity risk material. The BDN can be issued at the discretion of the Biosecurity Officers/Inspectors.

  • Formal Investigations
    Instances where non-compliance is suspected involving evidence gathering to determine an appropriate course of compliance or enforcement action.

  • Referred to the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions
    Matters recommended for referral to prosecution are summarised in a Prosecution Brief and referred to the ODPP. The ODPP reviews the evidence to decide if it is relevant and substantial, and if it is in the public interest to prosecute the matter. For all prosecutions the ODPP will prosecute the matter on behalf of Biosecurity Tasmania.

  • Prosecutions
    Investigations which have resulted in the matter being referred to the courts after review and approval by the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP). This action is reserved for serious offences.

Compliance responses are determined within the Compliance and Enforcement Framework and range from: 

  • ​Educational outcomes
  • Cautionary outcomes
  • Application of sanctions such as suspension or cancellation of permits or approvals
  • Biosecurity Detection Notices (BDN) 
  • Prescribed Infringement Notices (PIN)
  • Prosecutions

Several factors are considered when determining the appropriate response ranging from the nature, impact, intent and severity of the allegation to evidence of criminality for more serious offences. 

This ensures the most proportionate and consistent compliance or enforcement response is taken in any incident.


Penalties are applied as a specified number of penalty units The penalty units are defined in the Penalty Units and other Penalties Act 1987 and are indexed each year. ​

The value of a penalty unit is published in the Tasmanian Gazette before 1 June each year for the next financial year.

As of 1 July 2023, one Penalty Unit (PU) is $195.


Biosecurity Tasmania undertakes regulatory compliance and enforcement investigations under several pieces of legislation covering Tasmania’s biosecurity system. ​​

Areas covered by biosecurity legislation include:

This work is undertaken by Authorised Officers with specific powers defined under relevant legislation administered by Biosecurity Tasmania.

To ensure consistency in how the legislation is applied, Biosecurity Tasmania follows the Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania (NRE) Compliance and Enforcement Policy and Procedures.


Biosecurity Tasmania