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Information on poultry and pigeon diseases.
In this topic
- Avian Paramyxovirus in PigeonsAs a response to the outbreak of avian paramyxovirus in show and racing pigeons in Victoria, Tasmania has imposed restrictions on the importation of pigeons in cages/boxes and pigeon eggs from, or back from, mainland Australian.
- Biosecurity, Poultry and Pet BirdsSome basic tips on protecting your birds from diseases carried by wild birds.
- Bird FluBird flu is a highly contagious, viral disease of birds that can cause death in chickens. The signs of bird flu are very similar to Newcastle disease.
- BotulismAlthough instances of botulism affecting humans are rare, it is a common disease in animals and birds.
- Chronic Respiratory Disease (CRD)Information on Chronic respiratory disease (CRD).
- Diagnosis of Poultry DiseasesPoultry health hinges largely on breeding, environment, management and nutrition.
- Marek's DiseaseA very common disease of chickens caused by a herpes virus.
- Newcastle DiseaseA highly contagious viral disease of domestic and wild birds, that can cause high mortalities in poultry. The clinical signs are very similar to Avian Influenza.
- Nutritional Issues for Laying HensTips on nutritional issues for laying hens.
- Pigeon RotavirusInformation on mortalities in kept pigeons.